

l(f)rg:2017-01-21 Դ: ĬЦԒ c(din)



1 Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.


2 Evening news is where they begin with ?Good evening?,

and then proceed to tell you why it isn?t.

g„ԡϺá_^ٸVʲôò 3 Did you know that dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the

very edge of the pool and throw them fish?


4 Children: You spend the first 2 years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next 16 years

telling them to sit down and shut-up.


5 It?s not the fall that kills you; it?s the sudden stop at the end.


6 Never get into fights with ugly people, they have nothing to lose.


7,A little boy asked his father , Daddy, how mach dose it cost to get married? Father replied, I don?t know son,

I?m still paying.



8, If at first you don?t succeed, try again unless you fail at



9 A bus is a vehicle that runs twice as fast when you are after

it as when you are in it.


10It is said that 90% of the things we worry about will never

happen, and the other 10% can be managed. So why do

we worry, and what is there to worry about?



11I keep the telephone of my mind open to peace, harmony,

health and love. Then, whenever doubt, anxiety or fear try to call me, they keep getting a busy signal C and soon they?ll forget my number.



12,If you see ten troubles coming down the road, you can be

sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you.



13 Real difficulties can be overcome; it is only the imaginary

ones that are unconquerable .

yǿԿ˷yry 14 If you ask what is the single most important key to

longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress

and tension. And if you didn?t ask me, I?d still have to say it.



15 It is the trouble that never comes that causes the ioss of



16 Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a

couple of years. If something is wrong, fix it. But don?t worry. Worry never fixes anything.



17 Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate

the journey!


Definition of Loveԏጐ

1) Love is a beautiful dream.һ

2) Love is sweet torment.һN۵ʹ

3) Love is a great teacher. Ԟ邥Č(do)

4) Love is the touchstone of virtue. µԇʯ

5) Love is the sweetest joy and the wildest woe. ۵Ҹҵıʹ

6) Love is a fool who knows not what he is saying. һԼ֪Եɵ

7) Love is an appetite of generation by the mediation of beauty. һNýķ

8) Love is an attempt to change a piece of a dream world into reality. һNɻ׃ɬF(xin)(sh)ćLԇ

9) Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by

imagination. һȻṩPL(fng)

10) Love is not two people gazing into each other?s eyes, but rather two people looking outward in the same direction.۲㿴ҿǃɂ˳ͬһ⿴


1) Marriage is three parts love and seven parts forgiveness of oins. ǐ߷njˡ

2) Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut



3 It?s not beauty, but fine qualities, my girl, that keep a husband. ﲻǿòǿ²סɷ

4 Love is an ideal things, but marriages a real thing ; a

confusion of the real with the ideal never goes unpunished.


5 We should measure affection, not like youngsters by the ardor of its passion, but by its strength and constancy.


6) There are six requisites in every happy marriage. The first is faith and the remaining five are confidence.


7Tell me , dear, why can I pierce any target I well, but not my love?s heart?


8 You gave me the key to your heart, my love ;Then why do you make me knock?




1 һֻ]²費˼BӶץİ]󡶼֪ôL]fˣץֻZܺ?yn)]Zѽ

2 һqăӆĖ|ʲôf֙C(j)fʲô֙C(j)ǣǕræSڳһֻuһֻ¶ɻı飺Ǟʲô

3 Һߵֲ·҂Ըex_ǧ֮ǣǧ֮⡱

4 Ҽĸ˃ֻС?yn)„ӛߣ҂Q@ֻ顰(du)һ҂ҪkissͻȻҊ(du)󺰣(du)@ģ׌ȥ˰

5 rfˮСrװ^ll(f)һںչԡƬģ˺ܸF]·Բ˶IˣҲ]˹......

6 һMMʧˣ״ҊHѼrl(f)F(xin)δ܌(sh)F(xin)һճHѲxҳHѵ̎ڛQ󾯕rյl(f)Ķţゃȥ·ϣϲgқQǃY(ji)ҵ

7 ϶ڳͻȻһW϶һ@Bæȥ؁һښ

8 ⠺ͷƷƶƷƿ⠳TȥɢǰȥɢŶԞȥɢء

9 ⠺ͷƷߘݵ50ӵļ10ǣ⠆ƷƷˆ᣿ƷƓuu^^m(x)30⠆ƷƣƷˆƷƓuu^^m(x)49ǣ⠆ƷƣƷˆƷʹc(din)^⠣Ǻ҂߻ȥݵҰ

10 Ҫԇ⠕ˆfҿڶ싌⠲ľӴl(f)˞ʲô@ô⠣fҿ

11 r(nng)ɽȪc(din)x„l(f)P(gun)r(nng)ɽȪc(din)xĆ}@ӵ҂a(chn)VȪˮģ҂ֻǴȻİ\(yn)@˽֪ģ҂ďV•ȻǴȻ͕xxȻ]xx߀ǴȻףȻԽԽxx

12 ӽ(jng)˯Xǰϲg׌oԼv  ͕˯һ׌ְֽovְ


13 7.23ÿκѸer ڡ@Ă֣;ooòa(b)䆖һ䣺wC(j)߀ǸF

14 Ϲн?800f Ҽҵď(qing)ˣҸŶf@ǻYʲô?ֆġ......

15 ~~^ڽӺĬĬ~С~淨~~^ڳ˺ĬĬ~ģС~(zh)

16 ãҪ˯XƫҪԓôk!磺Ͱ`ĴȫP(gun)ok

17 ͬtǟ٣·Sǡʹ֮١ô^ļ҂ʲô360ȡL(fng)ﶬ݆

18 „F(xin)70%ϣl(f)ɷ æfһ30%„^m(x)30%ѽ(jng)˻

19 һ챻ؓ(f)ްްްްȻԼˡƷƅs]ʲô?yn)Ʒƕw

20 o(j)؄eMһЩ~һ΁Ҽңҵһo҆߀Ȇһȥ߀Ȇȣ@ӷ(f)Î״ÛIJҊͲԓfҪ

21 úϲ֮ɽһֱ]ҵõĚwޣһҊ˽ɺϲ֮ԽY(ji)

22 r(nng)ɽȪc(din)@Ǟʲôأ?yn)c(din)xΆŲţҷŵ

23 炃̫в˼ҶDzŸ߰˶߰˶b˂¶8l(f)

24 һֻҒʳҊһֻСAw›_˲gСץҪwСfҿʲôҊץӰСӷ

25 ϹԺсɷ?q)fۂйһصȥһ_TԼˣ߀һɺƁһƴ^ɷ......

26 ӢZԇώԇ}l(f)ͬW(xu)кһͬW(xu)eֆώ֌

27 С(qing)@@þòҊС(qing)һJ(rn)eҲJ(rn)Rӣ߀bԞ


֪ôˡL]fˣץֻZܺ?yn)]Zѽ 2 һqăӆĖ|ʲôf֙C(j)fʲô֙C(j)ǕræSڳһֻuһֻ¶ɻı飺Ǟʲô 3 Һߵֲ·҂Ըex_ǧ֮ǧ֮⡱ˡ 4 Ҽĸ˃ֻС?yn)„ӛ҂Q@ֻ顰(du)һ҂ҪkissͻȻҊ(du)󺰣(du)@ģ׌ȥ˰ 5 rfˮСrװ^ll(f)һںչԡƬģ˺ܸF]·Բ˶IҲ]˹...... 6 һMMʧ״ҊHѼrl(f)F(xin)δ܌(sh)F(xin)һճHѲxҳHѵ̎ڛQ󾯕rյl(f)Ķţゃȥ·ϣϲgқQǃY(ji)ҵ 7 ϶ڳͻȻһW϶һ@Bæȥ؁һښ

ȥɢŶԞȥɢء 9 ⠺ͷƷߘݵ50ӵļ10ǣ⠆ƷƷˆƷƓuu^^m(x)30⠆ƷƣƷˆ᣿ƷƓuu^^m(x)ߡ49⠆ƷƣƷˆƷʹc(din)^⠣Ǻ҂߻ȥ


Ұ 10 Ҫԇ⠕ˆfҿڶ싌⠲ľӴl(f)˞ʲô@ô⠣fҿˡ 11 r(nng)ɽȪc(din)x„l(f)P(gun)r(nng)ɽȪc(din)xĆ}@ӵ҂a(chn)VȪˮģ҂ֻǴȻİ\(yn)@˽֪҂ďV•ȻǴȻ͕xxȻ]xx߀ǴȻףȻԽԽxx 12 ӽ(jng)˯Xǰϲg׌oԼv  ͕˯һ죬׌ְֽovְȻ(yng)ˣڴ]۵ȴְֽoԼĹ˺Î׷Ҳ]Єoӱ_һְѽ(jng)߅˯ 13 7.23ÿκѸer ڡ@Ă;ooòa(b)䆖һ䣺wC(j)߀ǸF

f@ǻYʲô?ֆġ...... 15 ~~^ڽӺĬĬ~С~淨~~^ڳ˺ĬĬ~С~(zh) 16 ãҪ˯XƫҪԓôk!磺Ͱ`ĴȫP(gun)ˣok 17 ͬtǟ·S٣ǡʹ֮ô^ļ҂ʲô360L(fng)ﶬ݆١ 18 „F(xin)70%ϣl(f)ɷ æfһ30%ˣ„^m(x)30%ѽ(jng)˻ 19 һ챻ؓ(f)ްްްްȻԼˡƷƅs]ʲô?yn)Ʒƕw 20 o(j)ˣ؄eMһЩ~һ΁Ҽҵһo҆߀Ȇһȥ߀Ȇ@ӷ(f)Î״ΣÛIJҊͲԓfҪ

ϲ֮ԽY(ji) 22 r(nng)ɽȪc(din)@Ǟʲô?yn)c(din)xΆŲҷŵ 23 炃̫вˣ˼ҶDzŸ߰˶߰˶b˂¶8l(f) 24 һֻҒʳҊһֻСAw›_˲gСץҪwСfҿʲôҊץӰСӷ 25 ϹԺсɷ?q)fۂйһصȥһ_TԼ߀һɺƁһƴ^ɷ...... 26 ӢZԇώԇ}l(f)ͬW(xu)кһͬW(xu)eֆώ֌ģ 27 С(qing)@@þòҊС(qing)һJ(rn)eҲJ(rn)Rӣ߀bأԞl֪ԼR 28 Ц؈ĕrԱһͱRCĕrҲҪ(zhn)кܶܶܶܶ............

ȡůܿc(din)̓ 30 һֻĘ϶һ£Y(ji)ͰβĪ@¸VеǴҶ֪ĘƤ̫ 31 ゃǃͣ@ôe˶s]Пʲô?yn)յҵЦԒš?32 һһСĵM(jn)Ǿ˷ќһuҊȥȷY(ji)ҲM(jn)ȥ˷ѵ 33 ϸͰְ֮(dng)ÿ΋Ҫȥϰְ־f·СġƤĴ78wġְf߀22w׌ґ 34 Һ\(yn)W(wng)ϳ骄鵽һd__ľ͸fˣü׿ҋҲ]Iͺһȴ@׵ĵKˁһɵ500g 35 ʲô۾ǐѽϲgһѽc(din)ʲôɂ֪ôﳪģ 36 "⠺ͷƷ׽Բ^һΕrgƷƆ⠲غˆf,Ʒƾͻؼˡ"

P(gun)~ӢZ ЦԒ ppt P(gun)ӢZЦԒppt ӢZĬЦԒppt


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