l(f)r(sh)g:2017-02-06 (li)Դ: ĬЦԒ c(din)
Ά(wn)ôCĐ(i)܄@(xing) f(shu)҂zֻҪһܣʲôfʲôuëƤ֥Сӛo(w)һz©
һ(g)(hu)Ӌ(j)ÿϰĵһ¾ǡ _(ki)λ߅һ(g)ϿһP(gun)(li) Еr(sh)һ֕(hu)_(ki)ٿһ¡
ܶͬ¶עˡܺ桭҆(wn) K춡Ҫˡ һ_(ki)ϧe(hu)
Y(ji)ᡭһελ_(ki)ǂ(g)ϡ 挑 跽߅J߅
e(cu) `
ijI(lng)Yr(sh)l(f)F(xin)һKXȻŭȥ؟(z)(wn)(hu)Ӌ(j) (hu)Ӌ(j)f(shu)ς(g)ҶoһKXˆ˅żȻһe(cu)`ȫՏҲ@ڶe(cu)`
k˺L(zhng)r(sh)g(li)ϰkʮf(shu)ѽ(jng)@Щ~ĿJ(rn)^(gu)ϰ (tng)ʮָdMf(shu)úãǂ(g)؟(z)ĵĕ(hu)Ӌ(j)
ij(qing)I^HodzI(li)ļ֘fؔ(ci)(hu)̎н X(li)(qing)I(hu)Ӌ(j)^](mi)̧°ف(li) (qing)I̶̻
1.Anationwide to pedestrians from running red lights has commenced, and the enforcement of the regulations has proven somewhat , the People's Daily quoted Wang Changjun, head of the ministry's research institute on traffic management, as saying on Wednesday. 410գ_(ki)ʼc(din)tGһ˾ߡġЇ(gu)ʽ^(gu)R·О˼ǙC(j)(dng)܇Ľͨ`Оʽ{뽻ͨιc(din)ͨ^(gu)mu(png)̎PȴʩЇ(gu)ʽ^(gu)R·F(xin)56_(ki)ʼʽȫз(ni)(du)Ї(gu)ʽ^(gu)R·̎10ԪP
discourage pedestrians from running red lights DŽJt
@Ҳᘌ(du)ڡЇ(gu)ʽ^(gu)R· Chinese-style street crossing ˣ pedestrian ^(gu)R·cross the road һ˾ͿˣͼtGo(w)P(gun)Jtߣviolator(jng)f(shu)ѽ(jng)˺L(zhng)r(sh)gGǾGijm(x)r(sh)gduration^(gu)R·
3.A woman from New Hampshire, the US, was arrested for calling 911 because she wanted help Chinese food.
Police say 57-year-old Elizabeth Niemi called 911 to get medical help on March 15th. When the fire department arrived, they learned that she really just wanted help ordering food
The police department investigated, and arrested Niemi almost two weeks later. She was charged with of Emergency-911.
She was released on $5,000 and will be back in court this month
(gu)ºʲݾһŮӣԭܴ911ԒՈ(qng)æӆв Q@Ůɯ-57q315죬ܴ911t(y)ˆTsl(f)F(xin)HHæӆ͡
1All of life is an act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.ҲSDzطȻʹĵҶ](mi)ܺúõce
2Pi : "Religion is a house with many rooms."
Writer : "But no room for doubt?"
Pi : "Oh yes! On every floor."
3I must say a word about fear. It is life's only true opponent. Only fear @f(shu)f(shu)֑ΩһČ(du)?yn)ֻпֲ֑ܴ?/p>
4If every unfolding we experience takes us further along in life, then, we are truly experiencing what life is offering...
5Then Richard Parker, companion of my torment, awful, fierce thing that kept me alive, moved forward and disappeared forever from my life.
26,000 dead pigs found in river. Shanghai said it pulled hundreds more dead pigs out of its main river March 13, bringing the total to just over 6,600, triggering a public outcry in China where concerns over food safety and environmental pollution run high."
1. Will and Bill were quarrelling about whose father was the stronger man. Will said, Well, you know the Pacific Ocean ? My father's the one who dug the hole for it.
Bill wasn't impressed, Well, that's nothing. You know the Dead Sea ? My father's the one who killed it!
ͱȠڞl(shu)ĸH(qing)Ѷ(zhng) f(shu) ֪̫ƽҰְ֞ڵĶ
Ƞмһ Ǜ](mi)ʲô֪Ұְ֚
man who runs in front of car gets tired
man who runs behind the car get exhausted
һ(g)܇ܕ(hu)ܶ܇U⣨ۣ exhausted (U۵˼
Feel Unhappy.y
Son: Is it wrong to give anyone mental or physical hurt when he felt unhappy?
Father: Of cause, it is
Son: Fine, now I am feeling so bad. I lost in two subjects this time.Father(angrily): What? You------
Its not that. ǘӵ
A: I saw seven girls share one umbrella and none of them got wet.B: Oh, that must be a very big umbrella.
A: No, it wasnt raining.
Compare other thingsһ
Son: Mom, John has a pair of shoes with Gordons name signed
Mom: You just care about this? Havent you compared other things? Son: Yes, his mother is prettier than you.
He Won
Tommy: How is your little brother, Johnny? Johnny: He is ill in bed. He hurt himself.
Tommy: That's too bad. How did that happen?
Johnny: We played who could lean furthest out of the window, and he won. A
I Have His Ear in My Pocket
Ivan came home with a bloody nose and his mother asked,
What is the longest word in the English language?
SMILES: there is a mile between the first and last letters!"
Teacher: Here are two birds, one is a swallow, the other is sparrow. Now who can tell us which is which?
Student: I cannot point out but I know the answer.
Teacher: Please tell us.
Student: The swallow is beside the sparrow and the sparrow is beside the swallow.
ώ @ЃֻB(nio)һֻȸl(shu)ָֻֻȸ
2. The Fish Net
"Can you tell me what fish net is made, Ann?"
"A lot of little holes tied together with strings." replied the little girl. ~W(wng)
"ܸV~W(wng)ʲôĆ" ώl(f)(wn)
"SСK˨һͳ~W(wng)ˡ" СŮش
3. The New Teacher
George comes from school on the first of September.
"George, how did you like your new teacher?" asked his mother.
"I didn\'t like her, Mother, because she said that three and three were six and then she said that two and four were six too....."
91 ηŌW(xu)ص
"ϲgゃώ" (wn)
"Ҳϲg?yn)f(shu)336, ɺ(li)f(shu)24Ҳ6"
3.ώںڰόһ䣺Time is money.
4.СӢnr(sh)ώf(shu)May I go to the toilet?
ώf(shu)Go ahead.
С(li)^(gu)һ(hu)Сָώf(shu)May I go to the toilet? ώf(shu)Go ahead.
С(li)߅ͬW(xu)̲ס(wn)㲻Ǹώf(shu)Ҫώô ȥf(shu)](mi) (tng)ώf(shu)ȥむ(g)^
СЇ(gu)ij(x)Z(y)French window شtake French leave oeFrench grey \ɫ India paper ӡˢIndian rubble zIrish bull ìܵf(shu)Irish potato RIndia cedar ɼJordan almond Mexican bean beetle ưx(chng)Russian olive ɳЇ(gu)ij(x)Z(y)Russian dressing SuSwiss roll Swiss cheese һNӲScotch broth ţ߲˜Scotch collops [ƬScotch cousin h(yun)HSpanish athlete ôţˣTurkish bath Turkish past
e ɰܛgo Dutch ԸZ(y)To meet Waterloo ֮(zi)It`s Greek to meҲ֪Greek Kalends ĬCastle in Spain(mng)Spoil Egyptians ʹṩԼҪĖ|Do in Rome as Romans Do l(xing)SCarry Coals to Newcastle һeЇ(gu)ij(x)Z(y)American plan ʳ American cloth ɫˮChina ink ֭Chinese cabbage ײChinese checkers Dutch bargain ƽףDutch wife ^ double Dutch ĪԒspoil the Egyptians Zȡ˵ؔ(ci) French fries ըl There are so many things can make you happyDon`t focus too much on things that make you sad ֵød̫eĿⶼЩ㲻. When you can`t remember why you`re hurt,that`s when you`re healed. һ(dng)l(f)F(xin)Ҳӛʲô܂ǾȬ֮r(sh)
Life is never easy for those who dream. (du)ЩЉ(mng)ˁ(li)f(shu)ā(li)ô(jin)You do not keep anything for a special occasion, because every day that you live is a special occasion. ҪĖ|ijһ(g)eĕr(sh)̶A(y)?yn)ÿһ춼ôeIf you wait to do everything until you`re sure it`s right, you`ll probably never do much of anything. ȵÿ¶_nj(du)IJȥҲSh(yun)ɲʲôSometimes you need to step outside, clear your head, and remind yourself of who you are and where you wanna be. Еr(sh)Ҫ_(ki)һc(din)ſһȻԼl(shu)ҪȥTrue friends are those who won`t feel embarrassed when stay together saying nothing rather than having endless wordsĺһIJԒ}һ㲻f(shu)ԒҲ(hu)еΡGiving up doesn`t mean you`re weak, sometimes it means you`re strong enough to let go. ~~~ ŗ](mi)Еr(sh)?yn)?qing)܉_(ki)(jng)oյBe the actor of your own life, not a spectator of others` lives. ԼDŽeеĿYou don`t always have to be nice. Sometimes, just show your bad side and you will know who can accept the real you. 㲻ؕr(sh)r(sh)̶̿F(xin)ôеĕr(sh)ҪԼõһչF(xin)(li)@͕(hu)֪l(shu)ܽһ(g)Sometimes God doesn`t give you what you want, not because you don`t deserve it, but because you deserve more. ~~~ Еr(sh)](mi)нoҪ?yn)㲻ֵÓиõTIME doesn`t only make you find out more about people, it makes you find out more about who you`re. ---r(sh)gH㿴eˣҲJ(rn)Լ
Ї(gu)vvHһЩȤ鳣֪ڴ_һЩcp ˴UλUUoռ䃺Ӳ(li)λŽKY(ji)˶Uơ
(zhn)(gu)r(sh)īĴݻ፣ݻ壩_x飺qn g xi (zhn)(gu)r(sh)ČOĜxKؾӵĵ
f(shu)س˃ɂ(g)ʵۣҲo(w)ɺʼʺضwֻғ?j)һ(g)(j)eOƵ峯ֻ֪ĵۺ埬s֪еλʵ幧mȻYĿҲĵĴ__峯ĩʵۡ ׃Uwʵyþ(li)ۇ(gu)xď(qing)ҷ(du)T
vʷchhcƳcгɿ֮F(xin)(zhn)hľ֮Σǝh۵֮h愢֮ӄӯܛ(do) κۙ(qun)(jng)vľۣ_(ki)˝hʢ̫֮Ҳǟo(w)Ҋ(jin)(do)t(jng)v_(ki)ڵ_(ki)Ԫʢĩ՚Jڱٔ(sh)彨Ľ(gu)̔ͬҲF(xin)Ӣľݶ