

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-07-17 來源: 演講稿 點(diǎn)擊:


 演講稿 1 大家好!我是 G6⑵的周 xx,我是范 xx。今天我們演講的主題是“自信備考,陽光青春”。期末考試就要來了,相信每位同學(xué)都希望考出自己的水平,考出 1 個好的分?jǐn)?shù),更重要的是檢驗(yàn) 1 下自己之前的學(xué)習(xí)成果。大家都準(zhǔn)備好了么? ?

 Hello everyone! ?

 I am Arnold Zhou and Daisy Fan of G6⑵. Today the theme of our speech under the national flag is “Confident preparation of the finals, and the sunshine of our youth “. The final exam is coming and I believe every student wants to test themselves and their current level and get an excellent score, but more important is to test their previous learning results. So, are you ready? ?

 正確面對考試的關(guān)鍵,大概有 3 點(diǎn):認(rèn)真的溫習(xí),充足的精神,和克服困難的決心?煽荚嚠吘故强荚嚕残枰 1 定的方法和技能才能有好的表現(xiàn)。今天我們就在這里跟大家分享 1 些關(guān)于溫習(xí)備考的訣竅。

 There are three key points to facing the exam correctly: serious review, sufficient spirit, and determination to overcome difficulties of the finals. But the exam is an exam after all, and it requires certain methods and skills to have a good performance. Today we are here to share with you some tips on review preparation. ?

 第 1 個,認(rèn)真完成題庫。本次期末考試?yán)蠋焸兘o每位同學(xué)準(zhǔn)備了溫習(xí)題庫,所有的同學(xué)都應(yīng)當(dāng)認(rèn)真對待這本溫習(xí)資料。期末考試的


 First, carefully complete the question bank. Teachers of multitude subjects prepared a review question bank for each student. All students should take this review material seriously. The final exam papers will be drawn from these questions, so we must patiently complete this content. Tagore once stated: Learning must be combined with hard work. Practice makes perfect, diligence can make up for it. ?

 第 2 個,是認(rèn)真完成作業(yè)。作業(yè)是對知識的溫習(xí),作業(yè)也是學(xué)生和老師聯(lián)系的重要紐帶;仡欁约褐暗淖鳂I(yè),可以了解自己成上進(jìn)步了多少;對錯題的溫習(xí),可以明確自己的不足,幫助自己提升。“溫故而知新,可以為師矣”講的就是這個道理。科學(xué)家法布爾則說:學(xué)習(xí)這件事不在意有無人教你,最重要的是在于你自己有無覺悟和恒心。能從自己的經(jīng)驗(yàn)和毛病中找到前進(jìn)的方向,是最使人開心的成長了。

 Second, complete the homework carefully. Homework is a review of knowledge, and homework is also an important link between students and teachers. Looking back at your previous homework, you can understand how much you have grown and improved; reviewing the wrong questions can clearly identify your own shortcomings and help you improve. Confucius said: Review what has been learned and learn sth. new,and you can be a teacher. ?



 Then, some classmates may say: “I understand the truth, but I still worry that I can’t cope.” Don’t worry, don’t be afraid of trouble, we still have other ways. ?

 “3 人行必有我?guī)熝伞?rdquo;對自己沒辦法解決的困難,你的朋友可能會提出 1 些好建議,問問他們吧,1 起學(xué)習(xí),1 起進(jìn)步,1 起享受成功的喜悅。

 The ancients said: there must be a teacher among any three travelers. For problems that you can’t solve, your friends may make some good suggestions. Ask them, study together, make progress together, and enjoy the success together. ?

 “海內(nèi)存知已,天涯若比鄰。” 21 世紀(jì)是互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的時(shí)期,所以我們要充分利用現(xiàn)在的網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)。我們可以通過許多搜索引擎、在線數(shù)據(jù)庫來找到答案。固然,要謹(jǐn)慎選擇值得信賴的信息來源。

 “Be with each other though far apart”. The 21st century is the era of the Internet, so we must make full use of the current network technology. We can find answers through many search engines and online databases. Of course, be careful when choosing trusted sources of information. ?

 “1 個竹籬 3 個樁,1 個好漢 3 個幫。”在我們班,同學(xué)們組成了學(xué)習(xí)小組,每位同學(xué)都在 1 個 3 人學(xué)習(xí)小組里。通太小組成員間的交換,我們能相互增進(jìn)相互幫助,促進(jìn)了同學(xué)的友誼,提高了學(xué)習(xí)的效力,非常管用! ?

 ”One fence, three stakes; one hero, three gangs.” In our class, there are many study groups, and each student is in a

 three-person study group. Through the communication between the group members, we can promote and help each other, enhance the friendship of classmates, and improve the efficiency of learning, which is very useful. ?


 With learning methods and skills, we also need to learn the premise: physical and mental health. Sleep is still very important. We must face the exam with good physical condition, sleep more to enhance memory and keep our spirits free; do not have excessive psychological pressure. As the saying goes: pressure can be a driving force, but excessive pressure is a reaction. ?

 最后,我們祝賀大家考試順利?荚囈褋砹,暑假還會遠(yuǎn)嗎?我們的國旗下演講到此終了,謝謝大家! ?

 Finally, I wish you all a smooth exam. This concludes our speech under the national flag. ?

 Thank you all! ?

 演講稿 2 親愛的老師們、同學(xué)們,早上好! ?

 Good morning, dear teachers and students! ?

 我是 6 年級 1 班的顏 xx。今天我在國旗下演講的主題是 《樂學(xué)善思的追夢人》。

 I am George from Class 1 Grade 6. Today our topic is ‘Joyful Learners, Thoughtful Thinkers, and Bold Dreamers’. ?

 “學(xué)而不思則罔,思而不學(xué)則殆”,是孔子《論語》里說的 1句話。從人類這個物種誕生在這個世界上的那 1 刻開始,我們就 1 直在學(xué)習(xí)和思考。最初,我們學(xué)習(xí)了如何在野外生存,在種群內(nèi)溝通,也在思考和視察中發(fā)現(xiàn)了死亡的概念。到現(xiàn)在,我們在校園里學(xué)習(xí)知識,在作業(yè)的引導(dǎo)下思考,領(lǐng)著我們 1 步 1 步走向了解這個世界。學(xué)習(xí)和思考是我們,乃至全球,每天進(jìn)步、發(fā)現(xiàn)和創(chuàng)造的種子,也是人類發(fā)展的起源因素之 1。

 Learning and thinking are both important parts of our lives. We have been learning and thinking since the birth of humanity on this planet. At first, we learnt how to survive in the wild, communicate within the population, and also during that time, we discovered the concept of death through thinking and observation. ?

 知其然才能知其所以然,我們先來了解 1 下甚么才算是“樂學(xué)善思”呢?樂學(xué)善思是 1 種酷愛學(xué)習(xí), 把學(xué)習(xí)當(dāng)做 1 種樂趣,善于思考和探究的精神、態(tài)度和品德。

 “Study harder and make progress everyday”. “Think deeply.” We often hear our parents say that, and to most of us, it sounds like a common practise. But if we really want to turn these two phrases into action, it is more difficult than we think. ?

 “好好學(xué)習(xí),每天向上”。”思考 1 定要深入”。是我們耳邊常聽 爸媽說的話。這些聽上去是家常便飯,但是如果真的是要把這

 兩句話變成實(shí)踐的話,做起來可比想象的要難。把學(xué)習(xí)當(dāng)做開心的事情,用心的去探究和思考學(xué)習(xí),雖然要堅(jiān)持它挺艱巨的,我們還是要保持‘樂學(xué)善思’的思想。成功總是要先苦后甜的,吃點(diǎn)苦也會變成我們后面發(fā)光的墊腳石, 成為和時(shí)間賽跑和歷練的樂學(xué)善思的追夢人。

 Although it’s hard to stick to those two sentences in our actions, we still nee to keep the mindset of “learning happily and thinking deeply”. Success always comes from hardship and work. Experiencing challenges will become a stepping stone leading to our future light, and a dreamer who runs against time and practices willingly, who learns and thinks logically will slowly reach towards their achievements. ?

 在天文學(xué)的跑道上,有 1 位樂學(xué)善思的追夢人。他的名字叫哥白尼。當(dāng)時(shí)在中世紀(jì),所有人都在追捧托勒密的地心說。在托勒密和當(dāng)時(shí)人們的心里,地球在太陽系和宇宙的中央,圍繞著地球是 1 些行星。托勒密說這就是宇宙的邊沿了。在宇宙之上下,有天堂和地獄。在宗教的影響下,這就變成了西方中世紀(jì)信仰度最高的科學(xué)學(xué)說。在那個時(shí)候,哥白尼還是 1 位學(xué)業(yè)青年。他對天文特別感興趣,他特別酷愛學(xué)習(xí)關(guān)于天文的東西。從他 210 幾歲開始,他就 1 直在思考關(guān)于地心說的問題。在很多實(shí)驗(yàn)后,他發(fā)現(xiàn)在太陽系中央的不是地球,而是太陽。在這 1 發(fā)現(xiàn)后,哥白尼 1 直在追究和完善他的學(xué)說。雖然 1開始他的學(xué)說沒有得到很多人的認(rèn)可,但是他還是 1 直在思考和學(xué)習(xí),追逐著他的夢想。最后,在他晚年的時(shí)候,他的學(xué)說終究可以得到眾人的認(rèn)可,用 1 生的夢想影響了幾百年后的人類文明的天文。

 In the Middle Ages, Copernicus was a young dreamer. He was

 particularly interested in astronomy. After many experiments, he found out that the Sun is in the centre of the solar system, not the Earth, as Ptolemy has requested. Even though his theory wasn’t approved by many at its early times, but despite those put downs, he was still thinking and learning, chasing his dream. Finally, in his older years, his theory was at last recognised and accepted by the public, improving and affecting the understanding of astronomy for hundreds of years. ?

 喜歡學(xué)習(xí),把學(xué)習(xí)當(dāng)樂趣,善于思考和探究,不是 1 兩天就可以構(gòu)成的,而要靠 1 每天的堅(jiān)持,1 每天的催促自己的行動才能綻放的花朵。學(xué)習(xí)就是 1 種高等游戲,用 1 些能讓自己跟學(xué)習(xí)產(chǎn)生共同關(guān)聯(lián)的方式鼓勵自己愛上學(xué)習(xí),在課上多去問 1 些問題,在平常找不出過失來的地方找出過失,都是 1 些生活中很常見的“樂學(xué)善思” 的行動,在其中朝著我們的夢想奔跑,做樂學(xué)善思的追夢人。

 All these are common examples of our learning motto in our daily lives, in which we run towards our dreams and become “Joyful learners, thoughtful thinkers, and bold dreamers”. ?


 Our speech is over, thank you.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:備考 英文版 國旗

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