2018QӢZ(y)x~~M3 QӢZ(y)a
l(f)r(sh)g:2018-10-01 (li)Դ: (i) c(din)
participate in ? take part in ? join in
end ? cease - close ? finish- stop ? terminate Y(ji)ֹͣ
3. well give every(ÿ(g)) teacher(ώ) space to develop(l(f)չ L(zhng)).
a) chance (C(j)(hu)) b) employment(ʹ )
c) room(g g) d) opportunity (C(j)(hu))
3.c.spaceĻxǡg c(g)ǴroomǶx~Ҋ(jin)~x顰g g ءx(xing)ax(xing)d~x顰C(j)(hu) ˴ųemploymentǡãʹI(y)
employ(ʹ) ? employment ? employer ( ϰ) - employee(͆T)
she can"t go to school (όW(xu))because(?yn)? she is ill. όW(xu)?yn)ˡ?/P>
i"m ill prepared for (...Ü(zhn))the occasion((chng)ϣ r(sh)C(j)). (du)@Nrқ](mi)ʲô(zhn)
the children(ӂ) followed their mother into the room(g). ӂĸHM(jn)˷g
i didn"t follow him.Ҳf(shu)ԒZ(y)
please follow the instructions(÷f(shu)ֱ) on the packet(b) when you take the drug(ˎ). ˎr(sh)Ո(qng)հbϵf(shu)ȥ
take one"s time ݲ
take medicine ˎ
take ones temperature y(c)w
take courses xn
take/have a walk ɢ
4. the herb(ݱֲ) medicine eventually cured(, ί) her diseases().
a) nicely((x)õ@) b) apparently (@)
c) finally () d) naturally(Ȼ)
4.c. eventually~ ~x顰K Kڡ c(K)Ǵ
P(gun)~2018QӢZ(y)x~~M3 ߿ӢZ(y)~M W(xu)λӢZ(y)~M